ICES Marine Data
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EventID: 316
Name of the event: Greater forkbeard 2021
Event type: Workshop
Start date: 13/11/2020
End Date: 15/03/2021
Species: Phycis blennoides
Purpose: Age reading
Closed: True
Email of the Organizer:
Report: Download Report
Report summary: Download Report summary
Sample Images: Download Sample Images
Data: Download data

Sort event by: Fish Weight Asc Fish Length Asc Mode Asc Area Asc Fish ID Asc No. Annotations Asc
  Fish Weight Desc Fish Length Desc Mode Desc Area Desc Fish ID Desc No. Annotations Desc

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FishID: 4129
Fish Weight:
Fish Length: 505
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 5

FishID: 4130
Fish Weight:
Fish Length: 474
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 4

FishID: 4131
Fish Weight:
Fish Length: 443
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 4

FishID: 4132
Fish Weight:
Fish Length: 567
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 5
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FishID: 4133
Fish Weight:
Fish Length: 559
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 15
Modal age: 6

FishID: 4134
Fish Weight:
Fish Length: 522
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 5

FishID: 4135
Fish Weight:
Fish Length: 465
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 4

FishID: 4136
Fish Weight:
Fish Length: 447
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 4
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FishID: 4137
Fish Weight:
Fish Length: 521
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 14
Modal age: 3

FishID: 4138
Fish Weight:
Fish Length: 530
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 4

FishID: 4139
Fish Weight: 263
Fish Length: 329
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 4

FishID: 4140
Fish Weight: 296
Fish Length: 340
Area: 27.7 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 3
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FishID: 4141
Fish Weight: 278
Fish Length: 327
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 2

FishID: 4142
Fish Weight: 22
Fish Length: 138
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 1

FishID: 4143
Fish Weight: 20
Fish Length: 150
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 1

FishID: 4144
Fish Weight: 362
Fish Length: 371
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 3
BRO_17_10x_10062.jpg BRO_17_10x_10073.jpg BRO_17_10x_10076.jpg BRO_17_10x_10094.jpg

FishID: 4145
Fish Weight: 1614
Fish Length: 572
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 5

FishID: 4146
Fish Weight: 412
Fish Length: 386
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 2

FishID: 4147
Fish Weight: 448
Fish Length: 401
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 4

FishID: 4148
Fish Weight: 150
Fish Length: 287
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 2
BRO_17_10x_10099.jpg BRO_17_10x_10104.jpg BRO_17_10x_10107.jpg BRO_17_10x_10110.jpg

FishID: 4149
Fish Weight: 142
Fish Length: 266
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 1

FishID: 4150
Fish Weight: 290
Fish Length: 350
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 2

FishID: 4151
Fish Weight: 1944
Fish Length: 585
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 5

FishID: 4152
Fish Weight: 378
Fish Length: 330
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 3
BRO_17_10x_10111.jpg BRO_17_10x_10116.jpg BRO_17_10x_30003.jpg BRO_17_10x_30006.jpg

FishID: 4153
Fish Weight: 1010
Fish Length: 509
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 3

FishID: 4154
Fish Weight: 288
Fish Length: 332
Area: 27.8 (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 1

FishID: 4155
Fish Weight: 1950
Fish Length: 632
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 14
Modal age: 6

FishID: 4156
Fish Weight: 1196
Fish Length: 561
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 5
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FishID: 4157
Fish Weight: 262
Fish Length: 335
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 2

FishID: 4158
Fish Weight: 1790
Fish Length: 602
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 6

FishID: 4159
Fish Weight: 1320
Fish Length: 573
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 4

FishID: 4160
Fish Weight: 2480
Fish Length: 680
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 6
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FishID: 4161
Fish Weight: 2610
Fish Length: 670
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 14
Modal age: 6

FishID: 4162
Fish Weight: 1476
Fish Length: 565
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 5

FishID: 4163
Fish Weight: 1424
Fish Length: 542
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 5

FishID: 4164
Fish Weight: 28
Fish Length: 165
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 1
BRO_17_10x_30065.jpg BRO_17_10x_30074.jpg BRO_17_10x_30078.jpg BRO_17_10x_30084.jpg

FishID: 4165
Fish Weight: 520
Fish Length: 423
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 4

FishID: 4166
Fish Weight: 184
Fish Length: 285
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 2

FishID: 4167
Fish Weight: 30
Fish Length: 170
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 1

FishID: 4168
Fish Weight: 1690
Fish Length: 590
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 5
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FishID: 4169
Fish Weight: 2320
Fish Length: 633
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 5

FishID: 4170
Fish Weight: 234
Fish Length: 305
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 1

FishID: 4171
Fish Weight: 470
Fish Length: 412
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 3

FishID: 4172
Fish Weight: 1176
Fish Length: 533
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 5
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FishID: 4173
Fish Weight: 638
Fish Length: 436
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 3

FishID: 4174
Fish Weight: 540
Fish Length: 420
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 4

FishID: 4175
Fish Weight: 156
Fish Length: 278
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 1

FishID: 4176
Fish Weight: 444
Fish Length: 414
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 6
BRO_17_10x_30199.jpg BRO_17_10x_30221.jpg

FishID: 4177
Fish Weight: 2360
Fish Length: 626
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 4

FishID: 4178
Fish Weight: 1296
Fish Length: 555
Area: 27.7.c (ICES_Area)
No. of annotations: 13
Modal age: 6

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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