ICES Marine Data

SmartDots > View event > View Image Annotations

Npout_014_broken (EventID:74)

FishID: 1526 Sex: Fish Weight: 28
Fish Lenght: 150 Area: 27.4.a (ICES_Area) Catch date: 2014-11-01

View only reader:

AnnotationID : 2488
SmartUser : R09 GB-SCT
Age : 1

AnnotationID : 3336
SmartUser : R06 NO
Age : 1

AnnotationID : 3717
SmartUser : R02 NO
Age : 1

AnnotationID : 3824
SmartUser : R04 GB-SCT
Age : 1

AnnotationID : 4133
SmartUser : R01 NO
Age : 1

AnnotationID : 4610
SmartUser : R05 NO
Age : 1

AnnotationID : 5205
SmartUser : R03 DK
Age : 1

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